Torchlight Procession against Politicians, Vienna, Austria
North Korea is best Korea, Vienna, Austria
Stop Stoiber, Weimar, Germany
Call for Demonstration Activities, Vienna, Austria
A nose ahead, Vienna, Austria
Franz Joseph Strauss, Munich, Germany
Campaign Advertising, Vienna, Austria
Presidential Election, Vienna, Austria
Discovered candidate with heart, Vienna, Austria
Election Advertising, Decollage, Vienna, Austria
Better for Austria, Fahnsdorf, Austria
No to the Third Republic, Vienna, Austria
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Berlin, Germany
Otto von Bismarck, Düsseldorf, Germany
Emperor Franz Joseph, Vienna, Austria
De Gaulle and Adenauer Memorial, Berlin, Germany
Ludwig XIV, Berlin, Germany
Equestrian statue of Frederick the Great, Berlin, Germany
Bronze Statue of Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Marco Aurelio, Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome, Italy
Statue of Saint Louis, Aigues-Mortes, France
Hans Waldmann, Military Leader and Statesman, Zürich, Switzerland
Mao Zedong, Poster
Mayor, Dornbirn, Austria
Identification figures, geniuses, opinion leader, role models
"Other people’s attention is the most irresistible of drugs. Receiving it
surpasses any other kind of income. Because of this, glory ranks higher than power and wealth loses its luster when placed beside prominence." – Georg Franck: The Economy of Attention, 1998
The cult of personality differs from region to region. Outstanding personalities often serve as role models to which we measure our own lives. The Americans love it, for example, to celebrate their super-rich.
If we are able to be accepted as a member of the followings, we may hope that a little bit of the glory of the outstanding personality emits on us.
Enemies, strangers, outcasts, the hated and displaced people
Whoever succeeds to position themselves outside of social norms, so they are not worshiped and respected as outsiders, lives in the danger of being despised and persecuted.
It is often discussed, whether monuments, if they no longer meet current values, are to be preserved or destroyed. It is unclear if we get used to monuments so fast, that they help us rather to forget than to remember something. Who knows today which kings, generals, church leaders, statesmen, poets, scholars and artists can be found as statues in his city? Some of these memorials do not only remain untouched by vandalism, but still enjoy a special attention. We cannot force people to think.